Buell Muster '09 Australian Tour Preview

Posted by Unknown

I have after some consideration completely revised my tour route for the Buell Muster.Previously I had myself leaving on Easter Monday to allow enough days to travel in a counter clockwise loop into Victoria and back up to Jindabyne prior to the weekend of the muster. Three things stood out as potential problems with this plan.1. Riding on Easter Monday.2. Trying to ride the bigger portion of my
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Tour 2009 Update

Posted by Unknown

Look what has arrived.My luggage for the tour. A pair of Buell factory saddle bags specifically designed for the bike. Should do the job nicely I think. I got these for $59US and they came all the way from Argentina - what an amazing thing the internet is.The bike goes in for its 1st service tomorrow. Took quite some time to get the initial 1000km's up, in fact not quite there however need to get
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Hot weather riding.

Posted by Unknown

I am sure you can pick this spot by now...It was rather hot Sunday the 1st of March. I decided to go for a ride all the same since fine days have been a bit scarce this year.Riding apparel.There is many ways of approaching riding in peak summer here, some perhaps better than others. Riding in shorts and t-shirts is the stupid way however riding in full leathers IMO isn't the answer either. I have
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