1st ride of summer

Posted by Unknown

Wiangaree Spring, Summerland way.I sat about wondering what to wear this morning. It was a cold winters day my last ride just a couple of weeks ago so I figured it would be still a little too cool to go with my summer jacket and gloves despite the warm forecast. And as is the case each year I ended up overdressed on the first ride of Summer.That's the sub tropics for you, Spring lasts all of two/
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Something different - ride report.

Posted by Unknown

That's what a friend said when I asked where to ride today - something different. So I suggested we meet at Woodenbong and ride to Queen Mary Falls from the south.Mt BarneyWhat happens when only communicating via online things easy get muddled and it ended up I was riding by myself today. I actually like riding solo these days as the ride happens at my pace however I was undecided where to go at
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