We Love Concept Vehicles and This One Is Definitely For Our Motorcycle Fanatics!
Dodge Tomahawk Concept Has A Viper Power Plant

Creating a concept vehicle has just got to be a lot of fun! Seriously, some of us are obsessed with drawing pictures of really cool vehicles. Vehicles that look awesome, but, for the most part, would never become a reality. Imagine working for a real car or motorcycle company and having the ability to make some of those cool pics become a reality.....now, that's a job I would just die for!

Powered by an 8.3L, 10 cyclinder, 90 degree V-type, liquid cooled, 505 cubic inch, Viper motor that, through a manual, foot-shifted, aluminum-cased two-speed, sequential racing-style with dog ring, straight-cut gears, could propel this beast from 0-60 mph in 2.5 seconds and has a top speed of somewhere around 300 mph, this vehicle is just raw adrenalin looking for a driver or rider!

This is just one badass bike, or car, or whatever you prefer to call it! Now I know you're asking yourself, why is she talking about this awesome concept bike, when, in reality, none of us can own or ride it! It is just that, a concept!
Well, we can all dream, right? Actually, the reasoning behind this story is that with a little ingenuity, you can turn any bike into your own concept vehicle! Accessorizing your bike can turn a plain Jane into a head-turning, break tapping, talk of the water-cooler ride!

Check out their American Motorcycles Accessories page too, for some great ideas for your American made bike! There are simply too many neat accessories to mention here, so go shop to your hearts content at CruiserCustomizing.

Adding some accessories to your ride can really make your bike look and feel new again without spending a huge amount of money! You might not have a Tomahawk, but, you'll have your own "concept" bike, customized by you!
Happy Motoring!
-Larry and Dee Blackman
LDJ Auto Body & Custom Shop, Gibsonton, FL