But, on a more serious note, Spring can be a very good time to look for that new car, truck, or motorcycle! Most people use Spring as a time to clean out the garage and that can be a very good time to pick up on some great deals. However, buying directly from a seller can also be very tricky business. If you don't know what you're doing, you can end up with someone else's problem. And, most sellers are not going to guarantee anything, so, what you buy is what you get.
Auctions can be a great way to find some great deals too! I love a good auction. They're exciting and you can really save some money if you apply some good, common sense to your auction dealings. Also, buying at auction can be done online too, meaning you can get your hands on some great deals that aren't right there in your backyard!
Iron Planet Motors is a great auction house that is very reputable and offers a wonderful buying experience for even a first time buyer! Iron Planet sells anything that "rocks, rolls, stops and goes". From farm and earth moving equipment to cars, trucks, motorcycles, and motor sport and specialty vehicles, you'll find it here. AND, they go out of their way to make the buying procedure simple and easy.
All items auctioned at Iron Planet are inspected by them personally! They phyically go out to the vehicle and do a full inspection and report that you can view and, more importantly, trust. Knowing what you're getting when buying online is half the battle and Iron Planet has a flawless reputation for being one fo the best! They will even help buyers and sellers hook up after a sale with recommendations on transportation of vehicles and financing! It doesn't get any easier than that!
Sign up at Iron Planet today and get email updates on all their upcomming online auctions. You can preview items and even priority bid on them. On auction day, view the auction online. The highest bidder wins. What could be simpler than that?
So whether you're in the market for a new car
Or anything else you can think of, you can rest assured that your online auction purchase is protected by one of the best auction houses around. Choose one of the links on this page to sign up or get more information on their service.
Enjoy and have fun.
Larry and Dee Blackman
LDJ Auto Body & Custom Shop