You car, truck, or motorcycle has the same problem. You vehicle's paint is subject to extremely intense heat and the same UV rays that we protect ourselves from during the Summer months. Those UV rays and heat can really do some damage without proper protection. Although most "clear coat" finishes do have some protection from UV rays built in, during the intense heat of the Summer, it's just not enough.
Using a wax on your finish that offers UV protection is one way to combat the Sun's damaging effects. There are many waxes and finish protection products on the market today that offer great protection from the UV rays of the Sun. Wax will also condition the finish and keep it looking great all year round!
Here at LDJ Auto Body, we recommend using a high quality carnuba based wax like Meguiar's to keep you finish looking great for years. These products come in many forms and are easy to apply. It's definitely time well spent when it comes to keeping your vehicle's paint looking new.
When applying wax to your vehicle, start with a clean, dry, finish. Wash the finish first to remove any road residue, bugs, tar, and dust from the finish. Dry the vehicle with a shammy. Be sure to move the car to a place that is out of the Sun. Depending on what product you choose, apply the product according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Some finish protectants are a one-step process where you simply wipe the product on and rub till it's absorbed. And, some require that you wipe the product on, allow it to dry, and then wipe it off. In either case, be sure to use a very soft cloth or pad that is recommended for the product that you're using. Make sure that there is no dust or particles in the cloth or pad that will scratch the finish.
It's just that simple! Now your car, truck, or motorcycle is ready to take you to all those fun destinations the Summer Season has to offer! Check out our "Finish Care Products" page to find some great deals on all kinds of products to keep your vehicle's finish looking great.
Happy Motoring!
Larry and Dee Blackman
LDJ Auto Body & Custom Shop
Gibsonton, FL