» 1970 Volkswagon Baywindow Bus Arrives for Make-Over at LDJ Auto Body, Riverview, FL
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Our newest project arrived today at LDJ Auto Body and Mechanical in Gibsonton, FL. We are doing a custom "make-over" on a 1970 VW Baywindow Bus. Our "babyboomer" friends will relate to this one!What a great vehicle! The nostalgia in this one runs deep and I'm sure our "VW loving" readers will agree. The bus is actually in really great shape. The owner plans to use the vehicle as a "rolling billboard" for Hawks Electric Tatoos, his tatoo shop in Tampa, FL.
We're excited about this one and hope our readers will be too. We will be featuring the bus in an upcomming article next week when it is ready to go back to Joe to have him and his partner cover the sides of the vehicle with original artwork! The vehicle will then come back to us for a clear coat and finishing.Register now for updates so you don't miss this one!Happy Motoring!Larry and Dee BlackmanLDJ Auto Body and MechanicalGibsonton, FL