This great car along with most of her counter-parts for that era is constructed of heavy gauge steel, and we do mean "heavy"! She has some rust in the usual places for a car of this age and the main concern will be removing all traces of that rust in the lower doors, rocker panels and the lower quarters. As you can see in the pictures, she has been preserved remarkably well and the rust is at a minimum! All rust holes will be patched with heavy gauge metal welded to cover the holes.
The tail lamps, head lamps and even the marker lights are still on the vehicle, again saving a lot of time in having to procure them elsewhere. But, once again, although finding these parts as originals can be somewhat of an exhausting search, replacements are available through some suppliers, so don't give up if you're having some trouble locating what you need. We'll be supplying some links here that should prove useful if you're looking for some hard to find parts for your own project.
This will be the first of our tutorials on restoration projects in 2012. Register now for automatic updates and don't miss out on some great information to help you with your own project! You'll get great information on products, techniques and much more with pictures that will let you see exactly what happens along with an explanation from our technicians.
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Larry and Dee Blackman
LDJ Auto Body and Custom Shop